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How does the Roo work?
Roo customer suport
I can feel my baby is moving however the device is not able to read the heartbeat?
Roo customer suport
What else can I use the app for?
Roo customer suport
What is the Roo?
Roo customer suport
Which app should I use with my Roo device?
Roo customer suport
How long does the Roo battery last and how can I charge it?
Roo customer suport
I still have a question about my ROO, where can I get help?
Roo customer suport
What if the ROO has lost its Bluetooth® link with your Smart Device?
Roo customer suport
What is the best period for optimal detection?
Roo customer suport
Why did my Smart Device sync during my first use, but now it won’t sync or give any activity?
Roo customer suport

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